Free Dobyns Maverick Reel

Sign up for a 12-month Anglers Pursuit subscription and receive a free Dobyns Maverick Reel to enhance your fishing adventures. Choose your style on the product page!

Sign Up For Premier

About The Anglers Pursuit


What comes in the Anglers Pursuit box?

Items will vary depending on the tier that you sign up for. You can expect baits, tackle storage, apparel, and more in the base box. The Mega and Premier boxes will contain high end items including those listed in the base, including high end reels, new fishing technology, and the possibility of rods.

Values guaranteed in each box: Base: $150, Mega: $275, Premier: $400


When do the boxes ship?

The schedule for 2025 will be April, July, October and January of 2026.


What is the difference between the Regular and 12 Month subscription?

The Regular subscription can be canceled at any time. The 12 month subscription is able to be canceled after 4 boxes have been completed. In exchange for signing up for a year, you will receive $15 off each box. You will also be eligible for the free item that is currently being promoted. See product page for details!